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Terms & Conditions

Employer Terms & Conditions
Employers posting positions to the Loyalist College myCareer portal, or engaging in on-campus recruiting activities, must abide by the following Terms and Conditions.  By using this portal, or by engaging in approved on-campus recruiting activities, you are indicating your compliance with the Terms and Conditions. Career Services may revise these Terms and Conditions at any time by updating this notice. 

Position Postings & On-Campus Recruiting
  1. Employers must comply with all applicable provincial and federal legislation in their recruitment and employment practices. These include, but are not limited to, the Employment Standards Act, Occupational Health & Safety Act and the Canada Labour Code. Failure to adhere to applicable Acts, Codes or Policies may result in denial of access to Loyalist Career Services. 
  2. Employers must provide all information requested in the posting form including the items listed below. Failure to do so may result in the position posting being declined.
    • Name of organization with full mailing address and phone number
    • Full name of contact person with phone number and email address
    • An adequate description of the nature of the position being offered and the type of position (e.g., full time permanent, contract, volunteer, etc.)
    • Recruitment Agencies and Third-Party recruiters may be required to provide the name of the organization for which they are recruiting.  This information will be kept confidential, if requested. 
  3. Loyalist College Career Services will decline to post positions, and will deny access to campus to employers engaged in recruitment that involves the following conditions: 
    • Positions from an employer that is not a registered organization/business with Service Canada (does not possess a CRA 15-digit Business Number).
    • Positions requiring candidates to purchase a service/product or make a monetary deposit as a condition of employment.
    • Positions requiring training that is unpaid or reduced pay. 
    • Positions offering credit, expense claims, or honouraria in lieu of pay. 
    • Positions offering pay by commission only and/or offering no base salary (no significant salary).
    • Position contracts or franchise contracts charging a fee (i.e.: certification fee, licencing fee, equipment purchase, initial investment in a company).
    • Positions with organization that are or appear to be pyramid-type. This differs from multi-level marketing positions.
    • Positions requiring recruitment of other members, sub-distributors or sub-agents.
    • Positions as replacement workers during a labour dispute.
    • Postings from organizations where there are currently no available openings.
    • Home-based companies where the office is in a private residence, with exceptions considered on a case-by-case basis.
    • Virtual, remote, and home-based business will be considered on a case-by-case basis, providing all required information has been verified. Site visits prior to posting may be required.
    • Positions requiring students to operate as independent contractors.
    • Positions presenting as cultural exchange where there is minimum or no financial reward (au-pair opportunities).
    • Positions requiring secret shopping/product-based, door to door, or other direct to consumer marketing positions, regardless of pay structure.
  4. Positions posted by international companies will be considered on an individual basis. One consideration, for example, will be Travel Advisories provided by the Government of Canada, and the nature and location of the work. 
  5. Employers from outside of Canada must also follow their specific country's labour laws when hiring and compensating employees, and Loyalist Career Services may request supporting documentation before approving the posting/employment opportunity.
  6. Employment with a business of an inappropriate or unethical nature. 
  7. Loyalist welcomes employers to conduct recruiting activities on-campus. We offer many options, including Career Fairs, Information Sessions, Lunch and Learn etc. to employers wishing to engage with our students and alumni. We are pleased to provide these opportunities to recruit on campus, we expect our employer partners to limit themselves to approved recruitment activities on campus. 
    • On campus Recruitment Activities are to be authorized and supervised by Career Services or another member of the Loyalist College community.
    • Employers require prior approval before they may visit scheduled classes, tutorials, or labs. 
    • Employers require prior approval before they may use common internal and external areas, such as dining halls, lounges, lobbies, etc., to conduct recruiting activities. 
    • Employers require prior approval before they may distribute posters and/or display employment advertisements on-campus.
    • Employers visiting our campus are required to adhere to Loyalist's Respectful College Community Policy (OHS 008)
Refusal of Services
Loyalist Career Services reserves the right to remove or refuse any employer conducting recruitment on campus or job postings where:
  1. There is evidence of non-compliance with these terms and conditions.
  2. Incorrect or misleading information has been provided
  3. There are founded complaints from students or Loyalist College personnel regarding unethical recruitment practices.
  4. The employment opportunity is considered by Career Services to not represent a viable work opportunity for the students or alumni.
  5. The behaviors or conduct of an employer in their involvement with Loyalist represents unethical recruitment conduct and/or is deemed contrary to campus policies and practices.
  6. Career Services reserves the right to remove or refuse any job postings where:
    • A formal complaint regarding an employer, organization or other recruiting agents has been recorded with Loyalist College, regardless of the outcome of that complaint process.
    • Behaviour and/or conduct deemed unethical or contrary to Loyalist Terms and Conditions is expressed on the part of employer, manager, supervisor, recruiter or any other agent acting on behalf of the posting organization in their involvement with Loyalist College or its faculty, staff, students or other stakeholder.
Unpaid Positions and Volunteer Postings
Loyalist Career Services will post volunteer opportunities shared with us by non-profit organizations (NPO's) or registered charities, and they will be designated as such. NPO's are defined as clubs, societies, or associations that are organized and operated solely for social welfare; civic improvement; pleasure or recreation and / or any other purpose except profit. We will not accept postings for unpaid positions. Postings which are identified as unpaid and / or volunteer and which do not meet the criteria listed below will be declined.
Loyalist requires that volunteer postings will be limited to those which meet the following criteria:
  1. They are of benefit to the community and the volunteer.
  2. The volunteer is not compelled to participate.
  3. They provide a way for individuals or groups to address human, environmental and / or social needs.
  4. They are not a substitute for paid work. 
  5. They are not a replacement for paid workers, nor do they constitute a threat to the job security of paid workers.
Loyalist Career Services is pleased to offer opportunities to employer partners, students, and alumni to engage in on-campus recruiting, including the MyCareer position posting portal. Please read and understand the following disclaimer, outlining terms and conditions of use. By accessing and using this portal, you agree to the terms stated below:
  1. Job Postings Accuracy: Loyalist College does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of job postings on this portal. Employers are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date information.
  2. Employer Conduct: Loyalist College is not responsible for the conduct of employers who post jobs on the portal. It is the responsibility of job seekers to research and verify the legitimacy of employers and job opportunities.
  3. Job Application Process: Loyalist College is not involved in the application process, hiring decisions, or any subsequent employment arrangements. Job seekers are advised to use their discretion and judgment when applying for positions.
  4. Third-Party Websites: The job posting portal may contain links to third-party websites. Loyalist College is not responsible for the content, security, or privacy practices of these external sites.
  5. Data Security: While Loyalist College employs security measures, we do not guarantee the security of user data during transmission or storage. Users are encouraged to take necessary precautions when submitting personal information.
  6. Availability of Jobs: Loyalist College is not responsible for the availability of jobs posted on the portal. Job postings may be removed, modified, or become unavailable without notice.
  7. Disputes and Conflicts: Loyalist College is not responsible for any disputes, conflicts, or disagreements that may arise between employers and job seekers as a result of using this portal.
  8. Job Seeker Responsibility: Job seekers are responsible for verifying the legitimacy of employers and the terms and conditions of employment before accepting any job offer.
  9. Job Seeker and Employer Obligations: Users of the job posting portal are expected to adhere to ethical standards, legal requirements, and [College Name] policies throughout the job search and application process.
  10. Changes to Disclaimer: Loyalist College reserves the right to modify or update this disclaimer at any time without prior notice. It is the responsibility of users to review the disclaimer regularly.
By using the Loyalist  MyCareer Position Posting Portal, or by engaging in any approved on-campus recruiting activity, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, please refrain from recruiting activity at Loyalist. 

Loyalist Career Services will not be liable to employers with respect to any loss or damage which may have resulted directly or indirectly in regard to the services supplied by the department. 

Loyalist Career Services is not an employer or agent of an employer or candidate for employment with respect to any individual or entity using this portal. The College is not responsible for any employment decisions made by any individual or entity posting jobs on the portal.

Loyalist Career Services does not warrant that the portal will operate error-free or that the portal and its server are free of computer viruses or other harmful mechanisms. If your use of the portal or the material results in the need for servicing or replacing equipment or data, the College is not responsible for those costs.
Loyalist Career Services assumes no liability for misrepresentation of employers or students or recent graduates nor do we guarantee quantity or suitability of candidates.